Family Movies and Audio Files

Here are some videos of family travels and gatherings through the ages…

Israel – May/June 2023

East African Adventure: Safari in Tanzania and Zanzibar, Summer of 2017

Elephants of Tanzania

Old Family Movies:

 Tinos 1

Tinos 2

Tinos 3

Georgian Colonies

Legation Street 1

Legation Street 2

Amusement Park plus Georgian Colonies

Surfside c. 1982

Disney Land

On the Beach

Michael on Dunsinane Drive

At the Granadas on Chalkstone Way

Daniel’s Bris

CLC Hannukah Party

Trip to the Water Park

Family Memories 3

Michael and Billy, plus Carly

Clinton L Doggett Memorial 1921-2012

Lois T Doggett Memorial 1921-2012

CLD Photo Album Vol 1

Music and Audio Files